November 02, 2013God will teach His people to depend on one another.Conversation
January 19, 2014God always has a way of an escape.ConversationPDF
May 31 2014Son of man, I have made you a Watchman.ConversationPDF
June 15, 2014The Journey that Bro. Allen is taking the people on.Conversation
August 31, 2014Bro. Boyd is walking on very thin ice.Conversation
August 2014Jesus and the BrideConversation
September 2014Jealousy, how do I get rid off it?Conversation
December 2014Strive to EnterConversationPDF
December 2014Why we do not celebrate Christmas.PDF
December 2014Why we must be Baptized in Jesus Name.PDF
February 2015The Invitation to the Wedding SupperPDF
January 03 2016Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. Part 2PDF
January 10 2016All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.PDF
January 17 2016The Invitation to the marriage supperPDF
April 11, 2016God's heart towards the Backslider PDF
April 25, 2016Unleavened Bread PDF
Sept 10, 2016A Wise Man Built His House Upon A RockPDF
January 15 2017Don't lose hope it's never to late to startPDF
Sept, 03 2017Call on me on the day of trouble and I will help you.PDF
December 12, 2017Why you must be Born Again.PDF
December 31, 2017Hell is real PDF
January 14, 2018Come to and let us make a name for ourselves.ConversationPDF
February 18, 2018Traditions and Religion versus Christianity and Biblical Truths Part 3PDF
March 18, 2018Before the beginningPDF
March 25, 2018The True Christian Water Baptism according to Act 2:38ConversationPDF
June 24, 2018Finally the liberty to tell the truth. Part 3. ConversationPDF
July 23, 2018The Widows Last Mite. PDF
August 05, 2018Judgment seat of Christ.Conversation
August 12, 2018When the Son of Man cometh will HE find faith on earth.Conversation
August 26, 2018To Him That Overcometh... Conversation
September 09, 2018Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you freeConversationPDF
September 17, 2018Blessed is he who is called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.Conversation
October 07, 2018Paul's thoughts on marriage for the latter days. Part 2ConversationPDF
October 14, 2018He gave them a space to repent. Conversation
October 21, 2018From now to the MillenniumConversation
October 27, 2018Blessed is he who has part in the first resurrection, Conversation
November 11, 2018Every knee shall bow.ConversationPDF
November 25, 2018Birth Pains ConversationPDF
December 31, 2018But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Pt. 2ConversationPDF
January 06, 2019Who then is a faithfully and wise servant. Conversation
January 21, 2019God's chain of Command. Conversation
January 27, 2019The Danny episode. Conversation
February 08, 2019Secret PlaceConversation
March 17, 2019The consequences of abusing God's mercies.Conversation
April 04, 2019Forever is not eternal.Conversation
April 20, 2019PassoverConversation
April 21, 2019ResurrectionConversation
April 28, 2019We are no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.Conversation
May 05, 2019God's Gift of Salvation and Eternal LifeConversationPDF
May 12, 2019Speaking as a dragon.Conversation
May 19, 2019The Church of ThyatiraConversation
May 26, 2019The Natural Man versus The Spiritual Man ConversationPDF
June 02, 2019The Fig Tree And All TreesConversation
June 09, 2019Shaking of all things. Part 2Conversation
June 23 2019For we have not followed cunningly devised fablesConversation
June 30 2019Present your bodies a living sacrifices.Conversation
July 07, 2019Give earnest heed lest at anytime you let it slip.Conversation
July 14, 2019What Lack I Yet?ConversationPDF
August 06, 2019If You Love Me Keep My Commandments.Conversation
August 18, 2019He that is not of God heareth not us.Conversation
August 25, 2019All That The Father Giveth Me Will Come To Me.Conversation
August 29, 2019Satan Will Come To Collect His Dues.ConversationPDF
September 01, 2019Preparing For The Journey Ahead.Conversation
September 08, 2019The truth about Hurricane Dorian.Conversation
September 22, 2019The glorious future for Israel and Jerusalem. Conversation
September 29, 2019TAKE HEEDConversationPDF
October 06, 2019Matthew 24 - Part 1Conversation
October 13, 2019Matthew 24 - Part 2Conversation
October 20, 2019Ye do err, not knowing the scripture, nor the power of God.ConversationPDF
November 03, 2019Divine Healing.PDF
November 17, 2019Sam, how do you know that you are right?Conversation
November 24, 2019People get ready!ConversationPDF
The Grand CanyonConversation