We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God. We believe there is only One Faith, One Baptism, and One God (Ephesians 4:5). We believe there is only one way to Baptize and that is by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:38). We believe that water baptism by pouring or sprinkling by the titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost is a counterfeit baptism which was introduced by the Roman Catholic church in 325 A.D in Nicaea Rome. We believe the Roman Catholic church is mystery Babylon of Revelation 17:5 and anyone who is baptized that way is part of that system. We believe that this is the last Generation before Jesus comes to sets up His Millennial Kingdom. We believe that before He comes He will send that Spirit of Elijah as it is written in Malachi 4: 5-6. That Spirit of Elijah was manifested in the Life and Ministry of William Marrion Branham and he was also the Seventh Church Age Messenger of Revelation 10. He was not the Angel of Revelation but he was the BEGINNING of the voice of the angel of Revelation 10 and that voice continued in the Ministry of Raymond M. Jackson. That voice will conclude in the Five-Fold-Ministry to perfect the Bride (Ephesian 4:11-13). We believe this to be the Truth and anyone who has not yet met the conditions so God can give them a Love for the Truth, He will send them a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie and be damned by it (2 Thessalonians:10-12).


Amazing Grace.