We shall not be moved. Since we received the revelation of the midnight cry and gained understanding of where we are in time, we have faced attacks from Satan from every direction, as he tries to intimidate us and even expel us from their places of worship. This is because he does not want people to know that we are living in the 7-year period known as the 70th week of Daniel, and that the restoration of Israel, as per Acts 1:7, is underway.

 That’s why we need to keep repeating it – because Satan doesn’t want people to know. It’s just as 2 Corinthians 4:4 says: “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” In fact, the truth is being spoken of as evil, and if we don’t share it, then nobody will ever know. Once again it will have to be said of this generation “and they knew not.”

I know it is hard to fathom that out of 8.2 Billion people, we are the only two people who can tell the world the day we are living in, and we got it from that true Prophetic and Apostolic ministry because we were babes such as were willing to learn (Matthew 11:25). YouTube is full of preachers. Still, after listening to them you realize that they are nothing but hirelings, hired by Satan to deceive people and to keep them from the hour of truth.  

Noah knew and Lot knew, and that’s why JESUS wept, because He knew that the people did not know (Luke 19:41-44). In Acts 1:7, Jesus did not say that nobody will know; He simply said that it is not for the disciples to know, because He knew that it would not happen in their time when He would restore Israel once again. We know that the 7-year period started on October 15, 2021. You can do the math—1260 days to the middle of the week and then 42 months to the end of the week, and there you have it.

If you have not had an encounter with Jesus, you remain the same old filthy rag that you were born in (Isaiah 64:6). You need that encounter with Jesus so that He can change you from within. It is not that hard; when He comes knocking, you surrender and Jesus can change you. Especially coming out from a commune-like setting, it is so hard for people to accept that the only righteousness that will satisfy God is to believe the message for your day. It is just that simple. 

God sent a prophet in the 20th Century to the world, and then God continued with Raymond M. Jackson, and now He is finishing it off with the Sam & Lorraine chapter. We are the only two people who will tell you that we are 211 days to the middle of the week. This is not the rapture; Jesus said no man knows the day and hour of the rapture. We are talking about the middle of the week when Satan is terminated from the heavenly realm and he comes down with great wrath he knows his time is short (Rev 12:12).

David said in Psalms 16:8, “I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” We have found this to be a good motto to live by, and it will keep you from many snares that the devil has set, especially when living in a world where there is little faith. Jesus said in Luke 18:8, “When the son of man cometh, will He find faith on earth?”We are living in an hour of time where it is said that even the righteous will barely be saved. Esdras saw many years ago what the conditions would be like in the end of days, and it is written in 2 Esdras 5:1, “The way of truth will be hidden, and faith will be taken, and the truth will be evil spoken of.” We are truly living in a time that Paul wrote about in 1 Timothy 4:1, and perilous times are here (2 Timothy 3:1) 

“We are all sinners. There is no use denying it; that is who we are – sinners in need of a savior. We came into this world shaped in iniquity (Psalms 51:5), speaking lies (Psalms 58:3). Now, here in these closing days, God is pouring out His grace, giving people a chance to escape from what is coming. That is why He has provided a way – through the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This invitation expires in 213 days from today. 

The invitation is open to whosoever will let him come. Never mind the yoke of oxen and the material wealth as it says in Matthew 22 because these things are just borrowed to us and will vanish. God uses these things to test us to see if we will be found worthy to enter into the Millennium kingdom (Luke 20:35).” We need to constantly remind ourselves not to be carried away by materialism the spirit of this age and risk losing our reward.

“And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” – Revelation 12:11. I know exactly when I passed from death unto life. When Jesus came knocking, as it says in Revelation 3:20, I opened up my heart and let Him in, and we have been supping ever since. This was all made possible by Jesus shedding His blood at Calvary for our sins. Acts 4:12 tells us there is only one name given whereby we must be saved.

 Everything else is just religious distractions, nothing but hewed out cisterns that cannot hold any water. All these religions will make sure that you never find peace with God. They preach about it, but when you find it, they harass you and terminate you. This is what religion does – it keeps you from the truth. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” – John 8:32.

Our Daily Bread for today will be THY WORD IS A LAMP UNTO MY FEET AND A LIGHT UNTO MY PATH and the song will be Wer ist wohl wie du. 

Zieh Herz und sinnen ab, Von den was muss verschwinden, Sonst kannst du nie in Gott lust, ruh, und Leben finden. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24). We cannot allow materialism and worldly possessions to steal our peace and joy with God. When we prioritize God in our lives, He ensures that we have everything we need for daily living, abundantly. We are living examples of that. This is what happens when one seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) then God adds all these things pressed down, shaken together, and running over.

Sweet hour of prayer, that takes me from a world of care. The day is rapidly approaching and everything we’ve said will come to fruition in just a few short months. We’re not playing a game here. If there ever was a time to be sober and vigilant, it’s now. Keep your eyes on Jesus, because the things of this world are rapidly ending. It is vital to seek the Lord while He can be found. When calamity comes, He cannot be found anymore. That’s why God has that invitation to the marriage supper – it is the way of escape.

When we discuss these matters, we are not discussing individuals but the spirit of the matter; everything is driven by a spirit, and it seems to many that we are being judgmental. However, Jesus advised us to make righteous judgments (John 7:24), a spiritual person judges all things (1 Cor 2:15). We are only trying to expose the spirit that is driving these people and knowing that leads to freedom. Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. You take religion/tradition out of it, and you can truly say it is a good life living for the Lord. 

Darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness covers the people (Isaiah 60:2). When you wake up in the morning, you have to realize one thing: you are living in a time of deception of such magnitude that it would deceive the very elect if possible, it is exactly what Jesus warned against when He was asked about the signs of the end times – that is that darkness. Where evil is called good and good is called evil. Those who walk in truth are looked upon as the bad guys, and deceivers the good ones.

We are confident in the accuracy of our message because it comes from revelation rather than from study. Jesus stated that His church would be built on revelation (Matthew 16:17-18). We know that the midnight cry occurred in Feb 28, 1963, marking the midpoint of the Church Age of Laodicea. Our intention is not to persuade others, but to share what the Lord has revealed to us through His Word. It is the responsibility of each individual to investigate these matters to determine their validity.

What amazes me is how very few people have a hunger and a thirst for truth and the things of God, especially when one can see that the end of the 6000 years is rapidly closing out, and God’s judgment is looming on the horizon. I have been beating the drums for 33 years to warn people about what is coming and how to find that way of escape, but it is as I have always said – When you tell people a lie, they will wine and dine, and you tell people the truth they will run you out of town. 

Our Daily Bread for today SEEK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING, and the song will be Open (Fort fort mein Herz zum Himmel) in ichSing:ichsing://302.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” – Revelation 3:20 There is no person, alive or in Hell, that Jesus has not stood at their heart’s door and knocked. He is the only one who can break down the rebellion that is in each one of us and set us free, for there is no other name given whereby we can be saved (Acts 4:12). The only sin that cannot be forgiven is to reject Jesus, and that is the unpardonable sin. Religions, traditions, and cults are just Satan’s substitutes to bypass Jesus.

I like to talk about current occurrences because that is the only thing that has value for our era: that is why we keep repeating it. There is no use talking about a flood coming because that era is over, or about the law age, or Acts 2:38 because these have been fulfilled and are now a past era, but what is current is that invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:9) which is open to anyone who is thirsty (Rev 22:17). This is the message that matters in the present and here is the only place where you will hear it. 

There is a scripture that the Lord etched into me when I was young, I am grateful to the Lord for giving me the grace throughout my life to remember my Creator, as it says in Ecclesiastes 12. He gave me a hunger for His Word, and a great desire to get to know God and His ways. Once I got to know Lorraine, I realized that she had that same longing to have someone to talk to about God and His Word. It has certainly paid off; today, He has found us wise and faithful to deliver meat in due season (Matthew 24:45).

He let us see by the scripture that in 226 days from today plus 42 months Babylon that Roman Catholic apparatus, that the Bible calls the whore (Rev 17:15) and all these religious organizations that the Bible calls harlots (Rev 17:5), that are keeping people blinded and away from the truth, the spirit of it will be no more as it says in Revelation 18. We can rejoice for the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ (Rev 11:15).

There’s a difference between religion and Christianity: traditions & religion are Satan’s weapons to turn people against God. Jesus said in Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition. Cults thrive on keeping people ignorant and away from Jesus. That is why it says in Revelation Come out of ‘her’ my people. It says in Phil 2:12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. That’w why they put you out of their synagogues if you allow the Holy Spirit to lead & guide you.

Prayer works, especially regarding the well-being of children and people. It’s often noticeable that those who did not have parents/grandparents praying for them encounter more difficulties. Conversely, children who have received God’s protection often have parents/grandparents who prayed for them, interceding on their behalf. Recently, we encountered a girl crying with a black eye beat-up. It was apparent she never had parents/grandparents praying who could touch the heart of God on her behalf. 

If there was ever a time to be walking in the spirit it is now. If one does not walk in the spirit they will fulfill the lust of the flesh and all that goes with it (Gal 5:6). If we do not continue walking in the spirit the Bible says that if God would have left us a ‘seed’ we would all become like Sodom as it says in Romans 9:29. Because the spirit of this age will take you down to destruction that is why we put in so much effort to pray in the day and to sing in the day and to spend time with the Lord.

Our Daily Bread for today will be- CAN YOU COME TO THE BANQUET and the song will be – WOLLT IHR EINGEH’N ZUM LEBEN

Never in my wildest imagination could I have imagined what awaited me in life. Just when I thought I had it made with a perfect family and all, I lost it all overnight and was put on a journey I had no control over. As Jesus told Peter in John 21:18, and as the song goes, “Wenn wir meinen, wir leben aufs Beste, So müssen wir auf und davon, Müssen gehen die blutige Bahn, Wie Christus, der Herr, ist ‘gangen, So müssen wir auch nachgan.”

 I was not a happy camper for the first leg of the journey. However, looking back, I realize what a glorious journey it has been. I can only say thank you, Jesus. God led my life because I was obedient when He called me to speak for Him, even though He warned me that I would lose it all. He opened up His Word to us so we can understand the times we are living in, and He gave us a platform to share it with the world. He also gave us the ability to lay up treasures for ourselves in Heaven (Matt 20:6)

Each one of us has within us that living water. The only way it can flow is if you believe the message for your day. All of us have the ability to lay hands on the sick, and they will recover if you find and believe the message for your day. Then it will be activated because the Bible says so. If your children get sick, you have the ability to lay hands on them, and they will recover if you believe the message for your day. Then God will do the rest in Jesus’ name. It has worked for us and it will work for everybody.

“These signs will follow those who believe in Jesus’ name: they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover”(Mark 16:18). In the past, the woman at the well believed that Jesus was the Messiah (John 4). In our generation, God has sent a prophet. If you can believe in what Jesus has been doing in the 20th Century, Jesus worked through Bro Branham and then continued to speak through the ministry of Bro Jackson. Now, He is completing it with letthetruthbetold.ca. 

If you can believe in what Jesus is doing in this hour, the truth for your day, then once again out of your belly will flow rivers of living water (John 7:38), and you will be able to lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Everyone claims to believe in Jesus, but can they get themselves to believe what Jesus is doing in their hour?

I hope we do not come across as hating people when we talk about these Hutterite preachers. We are trying to expose the spirit of the thing. They are caught up in something that is so diabolic. They are caught up in that Roman Catholic spirit, and you can trace it back to that baptism that Satan introduced at the Council of Nicaea in Rome in 325 AD. It is Satan’s baptism, and with it comes a counterfeit Christianity. It is all not real. We’re just trying to expose it because we care about these people. 

They need to repent and find salvation just like any other person. I told my father-in-law that I’m the only one who cares about you because I am the only one telling you the truth. That is why Satan has us targeted, and terminated, because we are exposing him and his diabolical regime. If we would not speak up and expose these things that God has allowed us to see, then we would be held responsible for not exposing it. Salvation can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12 & 1 Timothy 2:5).

At the end of the day, it will be a joy to know that we have been right all along. There are only 235 days until the middle of the week when the scripture will be activated – ‘Woe to the inhabitant of the earth’ (Rev 12:12). Those who are ready will end up at the marriage supper of the lamb. This is why Jesus said in Luke 21:34 to take heed, lest that day come upon you unawares. We are called to be children of light, as it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:5-10.

There are many sad, lonely, hurting people out there, and I can identify with them but I had something to fall back on – I had faith in God. It taught me how to pray when I was terminated, my young family was taken away from me because I refused to allow myself to be brainwashed and recant and bow down to these uncircumcised Philistines who call themselves preachers. I am not complaining because through it all, I got to know this great God, and He moved on us to put out this website: letthetruthbetold.ca.

Our Daily Bread for today will be LET HIM THAT HEARETH SAY, COME AND TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY, and the song will be – Wie soll ich dich empfangen. 

If you have any questions about what we have discussed here, please feel free to ask. Your name will be kept anonymous because we understand that associating with us at this time may lead to ridicule and persecution. However, if you are not ashamed of Christ and are willing to endure reproach in order to receive blessings, as stated in Matthew 11:6, “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me,” there is a blessing attached to being willing to be identified with the reproach of Christ for your day.

Now that we have been given the understanding to know this great God and what He has done throughout the ages, He has also given us the understanding of the day we are living in, and then He gave us a platform to share it with the whole world. YouTube is full of preachers, but when you let them talk long enough, they expose themselves, and you will find out that they are not called by God. It is as it says in 1 Timothy 4:1, and Jesus will say, “Depart from me, you workers of iniquity” (Luke 13:27).

One thing for sure, you will hear the truth here because that is all we have ever wanted in life. We did not seek fame or fortune; all we wanted was to know this great God and our place in our time in the Bible. God, rich in mercy, has given us both. As Paul said in Philippians 3:10, “That I might know Him and the fellowship of His suffering.” Don’t allow yourself to be deceived into thinking that you will attain eternal life by wearing a certain dress code or living in a commune. 

Jesus said in John 17:3, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Eternal life can only be found in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). God, rich in mercy, has given us the revelation of the midnight cry through that Malachi 4 prophet and that apostolic ministry. He allowed us to see where we are in time because as Jesus said in Luke 10:21, we were babes such as would learn. We can only say Hallelujah to the Lamb.