30. We can truly say – I have fought a good fight. It has been a great adventure working for the Lord for the last 33 years, ever since we were terminated, but I feel our work on earth is just about done. We have been faithful to expose the unfruitful works of these religious cults and the spirit that is driving them. There are 1260 days until the man of sin, as spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, is revealed. The countdown started on October 15, 2021. We have not hesitated to tell people the full counsel of God.
It all starts with God sending a prophet in the 20th century (Malachi 4:5-6) to turn us back to the Word of God. For this hour, there is only one message left: the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the invitation to the marriage supper. All the information on how to get yourself dressed for the marriage supper of the Lamb is on our website. We will not be putting these daily breads out much longer and are waiting on the Lord for our next assignment.
29. Our Daily Bread for today will be: THE REDEMPTIVE NAMES UNDER THE SEALS and the song will be – That’s God
28. I am grateful to God that I was not disobedient to that heavenly voice (Acts 26:19) when He told me to go & expose the spirit that is driving the Hutterite system. He also warned me that I was going to lose everything. For 33 years, we have not hesitated to tell people the truth & to give them the full counsel of God. We will not have anyone’s blood on our hands because we have done everything we know to do to warn them. What people do with it will be their responsibility because we have been given the freedom of choice.
In those religious cults, you do not have a choice they tell you what to eat and when to eat, and you are being coerced into making a pact with the devil with that counterfeit satanic phoney water baptism; we explain it all on our website if anyone cares to know the truth because it is the truth that will set you free. The only way out of this horror that is coming is to accept the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb and to get yourself ready.
27. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Everything that we say and do we say by faith and trust in the Word of God. In Psalms 138:2, it says that God has magnified His Word above His name, and you can trust that it will come to pass. Jesus said to Thomas – Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. It is important to see with eyes of faith where we are living in time, once you see that everything that is happening around the world starts making sense.
26. These signs will follow them that believe: in my name, they will cast out devils, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. That’s exactly what happened here: a guy came through here, and the Lord got us to cast that demon out of him. I had stomach and colon cancer, and I asked Lorraine to pray for me, that cancer could not get out fast enough. Then I was sick unto death, and Lorraine prayed for me, and God restored my health. Still, the very people who witnessed all this try to make us out to be the bad ones.
They convince people we are of the devil when it is the other way around. I can’t think of anything more wicked and evil when people can see their family members die of cancer and they do not let them know that there is help for them. I have to say, I believe there is a special place in Hell for people like that. In fact, the Bible backs it up when it says that he who knows and does not do it will get a double dose. It also talks about bearing false witness. If you care about people read 2 Kings 5.
25.“Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning; for the bridegroom watch a wait.” The time for preparing to be part of the bride is over, but the time for preparing to be a guest at the wedding supper is not over. It is everyone’s responsibility to dress themselves with the wedding garment of truth, so that when the king arrives and inspects you, you are wearing the proper attire for the occasion (Matthew 22:11-12). The proper attire is the truth for your day.
The way we keep ourselves spiritually awake is by getting up at 5:30 a.m. to spend time with the Lord in prayer and fasting, singing hymns and thanksgiving. We do what we can to stay spiritually alive, and after a while, it becomes a standard. Jesus is not returning today or tomorrow, but it says the bride has made herself ready (Rev 19:7). It is everyone’s responsibility to be prepared for that day; we know we are living in that season.
24. Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of decision; Joel saw this day rapidly approaching 2800 years ago in Joel 3:14. Ezekiel saw it when he wrote about the shaking of all things. Paul saw it when he wrote that people will believe a lie rather than the truth (2 Thess 2). Peter said the truth shall be evil spoken of in 2 Peter 2. Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that there shall arise false Christs. We have arrived, the day that the prophets spoke of is here.
Jerusalem will become a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone. (Zechariah 12). But God, rich in mercy, has given mankind an exit route out of this horror that is looming on the horizon, and we have been given a mandate to warn people with the truth for your day Revelation 22:17 whosoever will let him take the water of life freely. The water of life is the truth for your day, God rich in mercy has provided a way, and you will find it on letthetruthbetold.ca
23. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. We have been throwing truth bombs out for the last 33 years to expose these religious systems for who, and what the driving force is behind it – it is Roman Catholicism, and Satan is the driving force, as it says, Der Satan ist der herr darin. But we have been given a biblical mandate to expose them (Eph 5:11) for what they are, and for that, we got terminated from each one. Jesus warned about these things in John 16:2. Always remember we are right.
22. Our Daily Bread for today will be DOING THE RIGHT THING and the song will be – DEMUT IST DIE SCHÖNSTE TUGEND
21.”And they knew not! Everything that we say will not make sense unless you know the day that you are living. October 15, 2021, marked the end of the 2000 years of Hosea 6:2 and the beginning of the 7-year period for the restoration of Israel, which is now underway. This is what you see happening in Israel; it is being restored. We are currently in the time frame of about 3.5 years of silence in Heaven (Rev 8:1), and Jesus is here in spirit form helping with the restoration of Israel.
The terrorists are being destroyed, just like Pharaoh’s army, and Jeremiah 16:14,15 is being fulfilled to regather Israel to their homeland after being dispersed for more than 2000 years. The Gentile days are over (Romans 11:25) and it is now Israel’s hour to rise and shine. All these prophecies are being fulfilled to bring in everlasting righteousness, as it says in Daniel 9. At the end of that 7-year period, Satan will be bound for 1000 years (Rev 20:2).”
20. Enoch walked with God, and God took him (Genesis 5:24). The same will happen to those who are found ready, as stated in Revelation where it says that the Bride has made herself ready. Additionally, there are guests who have accepted the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:9), and they too will be changed and attend the marriage supper for about 3.5 years while the tribulation is in effect. They will return after the tribulation with Jesus to reign for 1000 years.
Satan has managed to seduce the multitudes with this false charismatic religion, which the Bible warns us about and calls it seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1). But the Bible also says we shall know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:20). The Bible also says many will come and say open up, but they have not prepared themselves. (Matthew 25:11-12).
19. Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) The reason He asked that is because He knew what the conditions would be like in the end time that faith would be taken from the earth; the conditions are because of a lack of faith. The things that we say and do are by faith, we know that we are right because it is based on the Word of God, and we know that the Word of God endures forever (1 Peter 1:25). Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrew 11:6).
18. Behold He comes. That is the only thing that we are consumed with because it is the only thing worth talking about. It is such a major event all these distractions out there are Satan’s tools to keep people ignorant and entertained with things that have no value. People keep repeating no man knows the day and hour: That is the day Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 15, and Jesus spoke about in Luke 17:34 where two will be sleeping one taken and the other one left.
We know via 2 Thessalonians 2 that event cannot happen until that man of sin is revealed. What reveals that man of sin is that Pope will have the two witnesses killed in 191 days according to the scripture. It says it behooves us to comfort one another with these words (1 Thess 4:18) So come and drink out of the waters of life, and prepare yourself for the marriage supper of the Lamb. Once again the water of life is, and has always been the truth for your day.
Noah said: Oh come, come, come, come into the ark a flood is coming but they did not believe him and they mocked him and they had to suffer the consequences. Lot said: Oh come, come, come, come out of Sodom but they look at him as if he had lost it (Genesis 19:14), they did not believe him and they had to suffer the consequences.
Today we are saying: Oh, come, come, come, come to the marriage supper of the Lamb, and here again some people mock us, and don’t believe us when we say that in only 192 days that woe will activated in Rev 12:12, and they too will have to suffer the consequences as says in Matthew 22:7 and Luke 14. Always remember we have here no continuing city (Hebrews 13:14) and things here are only borrowed to us to test us.
Perilous times are here; spiritual darkness with that Charismatic delusional spirit that is so deceptive, and many people are caught up in it, people are so deluded that they actually are convinced that they are saved when they are lost; they mock the truth. The way that you can detect that spirit is they can never accept that fact that God sent that Malachi 4 prophet and that we are only 193 days to the middle of the week. Where that scripture will be fulfilled in Revelation 12:12 – Woe to the earth’s inhabitants.
Our Daily Bread for today will be – IT IS ALL OR NOTHING and the song will be – Wer zu mir in mein Reich will kommen.
You have to accept the fact that we are living in an upside-down world, where good is called evil and evil is called good. Those who are considered good in the eyes of God are viewed as evil, and those who are evil are looked upon as good (Isaiah 5:20). This is another sign of the end times that the Bible warns us about. However, we are told that when we see these things happening, we should look up and rejoice (Luke 21:28). This is the last generation on this side of the Millennium.
The day you are conceived the natural birth has an appointment with death. That is all the natural man can produce. This is why you need an encounter with Jesus. Eternal life begins at Calvary if you can only believe and accept what Jesus did on the cross at Calvary to purchase our salvation. This is why you must be born again. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10), and it is why we keep saying that the only sin you can commit is to reject Jesus when He comes knocking (Rev 3:20).
Religion and traditions are just not going to cut it; they are just Satan’s substitutes to bypass Jesus. That is why it says – There is no other name given whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). Each individual has a responsibility to ensure their spiritual life matures by praying, reading the Word of God, and believing the truth for their day. Always remember we only get one run at this.
I got up yesterday morning with this song on my heart, I get blessed every time I sing it. The song says it all – Wer Jesum Am Kreuze Im Glauben Erblickt:
If you want excitement in your life, you have to be willing to lose your life for His sake and the gospel. The moment I was willing to lose my life, I was escorted out by an unseen hand from that Hutterite prison. I was guided to Washington State, where I was introduced to the Malachi prophet William Branham. Three years later, I was guided to Kelowna B.C., and introduced to the apostolic ministry of Brother Jackson.
My life has been full of excitement. In 2010, I was guided to buy a truck and go trucking. Then, I was guided to pick up Lorraine to go trucking with me and to start up a website to make people aware of the hour we are living in. This life here is just a vapor, and all we are here for is to prepare ourselves a place for you and your family in that Millennium kingdom with Jesus Christ. After the 1000 years, we will be guided into the eternal age where God becomes our all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28).
The choices we make in life determine our destiny. We have chosen to follow Jesus. Our 33-year journey has been a spiritual one, and when you make that choice, you cannot go wrong. Because of that, God has allowed us to see the day and hour we are living in. He anointed our eyes, and now we can share it with the world. The price we had to pay was simply this: “Not my will, but thy will be done.” We were guided to where we are today by that unseen hand.
If there ever was a time when people needed to pray to God for help to anoint their eyes with eye salve, it is now, so that they can see the day and hour that they are living in. You need that raiment so that you stand not naked before him. It is all spiritual, as Jesus said in Rev 3:18 – I counsel thee to buy of me gold. It is each one’s responsibility to work out their own salvation (Phil 2:12) and to do their part.
It is not going to come automatically and it is not going to come by listening to these false anointed ones that are standing in the pulpits all around the world. They are hirelings and Satan’s weaponry of mass deception. All we are doing is warning people and exposing it for what it is. It is not the people we are trying to expose but the spirit that is driving them. We have been mandated to expose the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11) and spiritual wickedness in high places.
Our Daily Bread for today will be – THE MISSING INGREDIENT and the song will be – Auf Christen Mensch auf auf zum Streit.
As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, there were individuals on Earth who tried to warn others but were rejected. Today, there must be someone fulfilling a similar role. Deceiving spirits, false Christs, and falsely anointed individuals are manifestations of Satan, aiming to deceive the very elect if possible. However, we have been blessed with a prophetic and apostolic anointing according to the scripture of Rev 1:1 & 16. Our foundation is based on the Word of God.
At the end of the day, it will be such a joy to know that we have not shunned to tell people the full council of God (Acts 20:27), that we have not given people a wrong steer. We have tried our level best to warn people about this delusional charismatic deception. They think that they are saved but it is a religious and charismatic delusion brought on by these deceiving spirits (1 Timothy 4:1). There is only one open door left for people now and that is to accept the invitation to the marriage supper (Rev 19:9).
The grace of God, which brings salvation, has appeared to all people. At some point in everyone’s life, the Lord has tried to get their attention so they do not go to Hell. Rejecting Jesus is the only sin one can commit. I’m not talking about creeds and dogmas that churches have; those are just Satan’s counterfeits to bypass Jesus and religious substitutes that provide people with a false sense of Christianity. This is what the grace of God does; it teaches and admonishes us, as it says in Titus 2:12.
I want to make it abundantly clear: it is never about us. It is all about lifting up Jesus. Everyone wants to make a name for themselves, but at the end of the day, it will be what you have allowed Jesus to do through you, and that is where it is at. That is the gold, silver, and precious stones that it speaks of in 1 Corinthians 3:12, and that is when you will be persecuted for His name’s sake (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said in John 12:32, “If I be lifted up.” God will share His glory with no man (1 Corinthians 1:29).
Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth” (John 17:17). It’s important to stay committed to the truth and not be swayed by deceptive versions of Christianity that won’t lead to good outcomes. Walking in truth comes with persecution (2 Timothy 3:12), but there is peace in knowing that we are on the right path, especially in times of widespread deception and confusion, which could potentially deceive even the most faithful if possibly (Matthew 24:24).
We are in a spiritual war. Our fight is not against people, but against demonic forces and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:11-12). We are up against the deceitful tactics of the devil and religious deception. It takes courage to accept and believe the truth. Standing for the truth for your day is not for the weak it takes bravery to stand up and swim against the tide because there is a price to pay. However, it becomes much easier when you know you are on the winning side.
Our Daily Bread for today will be NOBODY CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING and the song will be – Wer ist der Braut des Lammes gleich.