31. Our Daily Bread plus for today is The testing and fall of Satan. Series 2 Part 3.
30. Our Daily Bread plus for today is – The testing and fall of Satan. Series 2/part 2.
29. Our Daily Bread plus for today is The testing and fall of Satan Part 2.
28. Our Daily Bread plus for today is The testing and fall of Satan. We want you to listen to this message to let you know that we are not the only ones who believe that the earth is millions of years old and that the angels were tested back in the dinosaur era when judgment hit this planet. Enjoy.
27. Our Daily Bread for today is CHOICES and the song will be – Mein Gott wenn soll ich lieben.
22. God’s Handywork
21. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
20. Our Daily Bread for today will be – Living in an upside down world, and the song will be – Ach, treuer Gott, ich schrei zu dir.
19. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord
18. God’s Blessings
16. ‘False Anointed Ones and False Christs in the End Times.’
15. We want to let people know that the Lord has been moving on us to shift gears from the Daily Breads to have these 15-20 minute conversations. We do not know if they are going to be every day but we are walking through all that to see what direction to take. WhatsApp does not seem to be sufficient for expressing enough information. So far we will put it on the website letthetruthbetold.ca and other social media platforms, but we will most likely have updates about it on Whatsapp and on letthetruthbetold.ca.
We have a saying here – We are right and they are wrong and you can take it to the bank, and you will hear the full council of God here. We are minding the mind of the Lord to see what the best route to take is and how to go about it all. As we say it is a new chapter for us and the first title will be – ‘False Anointed Ones and False Christs in the End Times.’
14. In case you are wondering what is going on around the world you have to go to the Bible to find it. It is the shaking of all things so that that which cannot be shaken will remain (Haggai 2:7). The only thing that cannot be shaken is what is built on the Word of God, and the only thing that is valid now is the invitation to the marriage supper. The process for the restoring all things (Matthew 17:11) began on October 15, 2021, and it is a period of 7 years so you can do the math, and then Jesus returns.
That invitation is for whosoever will (Rev 22:17) and expires in about 165 days from today (Oct 14, 2024), and for those who reject that invitation, the penalty will be Matthew 22 & Luke 14. We did not write the Bible we are just following that great blueprint, just like we are planning to go to California in a few days and will follow a road map, that tells us which roads to take to get there. It is the same with the spiritual road map, it will tell us how to get to that heavenly city.
13. Our Daily Bread for today will be THE SIGNS OF THE TIME, and the song will be – Es sind schon die letzten Zeiten. Click the link.
12. The most important thing a person can do for themselves is to find their place in Christ. When God made the great blueprint, He had a place for everyone. Satan is working tirelessly to ensure that people never find that place, and if you do find it, he will be on your doorstep 24/7, trying to lead you astray. That’s why you have to be willing to lose your life for His sake and endure persecution. It’s all part of the journey to the heavenly city. In this day and age, all you have to do is stand with the message for your day.
11.Mankind is rapidly approaching the grand finale: the coming of Jesus. We cannot stop it or hurry it up. The only thing we can do is prepare ourselves to ensure that we have the eye salve to see the day and hour we are living in (Rev 3:18). We need to dress ourselves with the message for our time; the gold tried in the fire, which is the proper belief structure for our day and hour. This proper belief structure is the proper wedding garment so that when the King comes to check on the guests, you have on the proper wedding garment and will not have to be escorted out. If you want to dress yourself with the proper wedding garment, you will find it on letthetruthbetold.ca, where you will hear the full counsel of God. Now is the time to prepare yourselves because there are only about 6 more months for that preparation time and then it will expire (Read Matthew 22).
10. Offenbarung, Wundergaben, Trost und Süßigkeiten haben, Ehre, Welt und Geld verachten. Vieles wissen und betrachten, Fasten, lesen, singen, beten Und mit Engelzungen reden: Alles dieses acht’ ich nicht, Wo man nicht den Willen bricht. To have revelation, miraculous gifts, consolation and sweets, to despise honor, the world and money. To know and contemplate many things, to fast, read, sing, pray and to speak with the tongues of angels: I pay no attention to all this unless one breaks one’s will.
9.Another sign of the end time – the waves and the sea roaring – Luke 21:25. Another major Hurricane is fixing to strike Florida, a very heavily populated area. We have been trying to find the mind of the Lord in all of this and there is only one conclusion: it is God’s judgment on a nation that has forgotten God, as it says in Proverbs 1:20-32. I am grateful to God that He gave me the grace to seek Him while He could be found.
God has been working overtime since the early 90s to get people’s attention but people kept rejecting him. We have been beating the drums for 33 years trying to warn people from what is coming, but when you tell people the truth, they run you out of town, hate you for it, and bear false witness against you. We cease not to give God thanks. Through all of that, God has been good to us because we harkened unto Him. Now, as it says in Proverbs 1:33, we can dwell in safety and fear no evil.
8. Everything is driven by a spirit. Revelation 13:11—That lamb beast is America. It was founded on Christian principles, but it has evolved in the last century into speaking as a dragon, and that is what you see in America today: draconian talking points, lawlessness, wokeness, and the Democrats. Every time I hear the Democrats and their talking points I feel like bringing up because it is that dragon speaking which is the Devil.
Everything that is driven by that dragon spirit speaks like a dragon. George Washington’s third peril is looming on the horizon the battle between good and evil, between the Lamb beast and the dragon: law and order versus lawlessness. But thank God America as we know it has only about 4 more years before that dragon will be no more. Then Revelation 11:15 will come where – The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
7. “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” – Hebrews 11:6. It’s amazing to see how few people have a hunger and thirst for truth. It’s as if they are living in a fantasy world, especially considering the times we are living in and all the things happening around us. Everything that the prophets prophesied is happening and about to happen: the restoration of all things. There is so much to look forward to; in about 4 more years, the devil will be locked up, and the glorious returns of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everything will be restored to what it was before the fall. It will be a world of joy that we cannot even imagine; there will be no more weeds, and we will be able to communicate with wild animals, just like it was in the Garden of Eden before the Fall. Everything foretold about that glorious millennium is just around the corner (Isaiah 11) and will be for those who have prepared themselves and been found faithful. The main thing is to crucify the flesh.
6. Our Daily Bread for today will be THE VATICAN and the song will be Ringe receht, wenn Gottes Gnade.
5. Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning. When you look around and see all these disasters hit, Jesus talked about these sorrows and birth pains in the end time. Matthew 24 is happening right now—deception, sorrows, nations against nations, and natural disasters. If there was ever a time to spend time in prayer before you go about your day, it is now, so that God can provide a way of escape for you and your family from what is looming on the horizon. It is not a game anymore.
I know we keep repeating ourselves, but it is what is relevant for our hour. When you see people floating down the river, complete families wiped out, and towns demolished, there are not just hundreds losing their lives, it is thousands. That can only be God’s wrath over a nation that has forgotten God. I know that area, there is a church almost on every corner but they know not God. God knows those who put their trust in Him, and He can make a way in a whirlwind; you can read about it in Nahum 1.
4. The natural man cannot perceive the things of God; they have to be spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:13-15). That’s why we must be born again. This is something we cannot do ourselves; all we can do is cultivate a contrite and broken spirit. Jesus will never reject a humble and broken spirit. It says in 1 Peter 5:5, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” We are on a spiritual journey, and that’s why the natural man cannot identify with that.
3.When people we know see us together, their minds go straight into the gutter. They make unrighteous judgments and think that we are involved in a sex capade or a shacking-up program. They think naturally and they judge it according to what they would be doing if they had the opportunity. In Jude verse 8, these people are called filthy dreamers, and in verse 10 it says, “These speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.”
This happens because the God of this world has blinded their minds and understanding. These people need to repent and ask Jesus to forgive them of their corrupt thoughts because they bring judgment upon themselves. They cannot even consider that this could be a spiritual journey that the Lord has put us on, all because they do not know God.
2.God is still the healer. It says in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.” There is no need for anyone to die from cancer. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Everyone that came to Elijah was healed, and everyone that came to Jesus was healed. The same goes for the apostle Paul; Jesus always had someone that people could go to, and God would heal them. I had cancer, and I asked Lorraine to pray for me, and I was healed from cancer.
Many people are dying of cancer, but there is always hope if people can only humble themselves. Then God can show them what they need to do, and sometimes it requires desperation. For everyone who came to Brother Branham, God always has an answer, and many people worldwide were healed, and even raised from the dead. So God’s hand is not short, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever all you have to do is trust Him and cry out to Him.
1. Muss ich geh’n mit leeren Händen. Must I go, and empty-handed, must I meet my Savior so. There is nothing worse than having missed salvation, and the next worse thing is having salvation and going into eternity and having done nothing for Jesus: to stand before Him with no rewards. God has work for each and every one of us if you let Him. That’s why Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done.” There is no greater joy than allowing God to use you for His glory.